Privacy Policy

In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter RGPD), SEA FLOW DESIGNS (hereinafter THE STORE) reveals this Privacy Policy regarding the treatment and personal data protection. Data of the data controller: Company Name: Juan Valencia Basaldua Registered Office: Playa Blanca. Las Palmas CIF 44682406F  e-Mail: Domain name: Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws. Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce.

Area of ​​application: This Privacy Policy will be applicable: To those who visit the website of THE STORE, SEAFLOWDESIGNS To those who voluntarily communicate with THE STORE through email, chat or who complete any of the data collection forms published on the STORE website. To those who request information about the products and services of THE STORE or who request to participate in any of the commercial actions of THE STORE. To those who formalize a contractual relationship with THE STORE by contracting its products and services. To those who use any other service present on the website that implies the communication of data to THE STORE or access to data by THE STORE for the provision of its services. To any others who, directly or indirectly, have given their express consent for their data to be processed by THE STORE for any of the purposes set out in this Policy. The use of the products and services of THE STORE requires the express acceptance of this Privacy Policy. THE STORE warns that, except for the existence of a legally constituted representation, no user and/or client can use the identity of another person and communicate their personal data, so the data provided to THE STORE must be personal data, corresponding to their own identity, adequate, pertinent, current, exact and true. In this sense, the user and/or client will be solely responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused to third parties or to THE STORE due to the use of data of another person or their own data when they are false, erroneous, not current, inappropriate or irrelevant. 

Likewise, the user and/or client who communicates the personal data of a third party will be responsible for having obtained the corresponding authorization from the interested party, as well as for the consequences otherwise. In the same way, the user and/or client who communicates personal data to THE STORE declares to be of legal age, in accordance with the provisions of Spanish legislation, otherwise refraining from providing data to THE STORE. Any information provided about a minor will require the consent or prior authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be considered responsible for the data provided by the minors in their care. This Policy will be of subsidiary application with respect to those other conditions that on protection of personal data are established with a special character and are communicated, without limitation, through the registration forms, contracts and/or conditions of the particular services, being by both this Privacy Policy complementary to those mentioned in what is not expressly provided for in them. Purposes of the collection and processing of personal data THE STORE, in its capacity as data controller, informs users of the existence of various treatments and files in which the personal data communicated to THE STORE is collected and stored.

The purposes of said collection and processing of personal data are the following: In relation to the "cookies" that THE STORE uses when browsing through its web page (TUSITIO.WEB), they are stored in the user's terminal equipment (computer or mobile device) and collect information when visiting said web pages, with the purpose of improving their usability, knowing the browsing habits or needs of users in order to adapt to them, as well as obtaining information for statistical purposes. In the case of those users who are already clients of THE STORE, the information collected with the cookies will also serve to identify them when accessing the different tools that THE STORE makes available to them for managing the services. In any case, users can configure their browser so that the reception of all or some of the cookies is disabled or blocked. The fact of not wishing to receive these cookies does not constitute an impediment to being able to access the information on the THE STORE websites, although the use of some services may be limited. 

If once the consent for the reception of cookies has been granted, it is desired to withdraw it, those stored in the user's computer must be eliminated, through the options of the different browsers. All the information about the cookies used by THE STORE is published in its Cookies Policy, available for consultation on the web. In the case of sending an email to THE STORE or a communication of personal data through any other means, such as a contact form, the purpose of the collection and processing of said data by THE STORE is attention to queries and requests for information that arise about the products and services of THE STORE. In the case of sending an email to THE STORE related to your job offers, said data will be processed to participate in the personnel selection procedures. In the case of forms of THE STORE that the interested parties fill out to participate in any of the commercial actions of THE STORE, the purpose will be to enable said participation, as well as the sending of commercial and advertising communications about the services of THE STORE, except that the interested party expressly expresses his opposition at the same time of the collection of his data. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the interested party may modify their decision at any time, as many times as they wish, through the means provided by THE STORE for that purpose. In the contracting of the services offered by THE STORE, only those personal data that are necessary to establish the contractual relationship and enable the provision of services and remuneration of the same by the clients will be collected, said data being collected and treated with the following purposes: The main purpose will consist of the maintenance of the contractual relationship established with the client, in accordance with the nature and characteristics of the contracted services or products, contacting THE STORE with the client through the e-mail address, telephone or other means indicated by the latter. In accordance with Art. 6, section 1, paragraph 1, letter a of the RGPD, if we have previously obtained your express consent to register for our newsletter, we will use the necessary data to send commercial communications in accordance with said consent. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time, by sending a message to our contact address described here or by clicking on the link provided for it in the e-mail with said commercial communication. 

After unsubscribing, we block your email address for this use, provided that you have not given your express consent for the data to continue to be used, or we reserve the right to continue using your data in cases permitted by law and on the that we inform you in this document. Regardless of whether the client had chosen to receive commercial information from THE STORE or not, the client may modify his decision at any time, as many times as he wishes, through the specific section available for it in his Client Area or email For the maintenance of historical records of commercial relations during the legally established periods. In those cases in which THE STORE must access and/or process personal data in respect of which the client has the status of data controller or data processor, THE STORE will process said data as data processor in accordance with the provisions of article 28 of the RGPD and in accordance with what is indicated in the section called "Juan Valencia Basaldua as person in charge of the treatment", included in this Privacy Policy. In compliance with the provisions of Law 25/2007, of October 18, on the retention of data relating to electronic communications and public communications networks, THE STORE informs the user that it will proceed to retain and preserve certain traffic data generated during the development of the communications, as well as where appropriate, to communicate said data to the competent bodies provided that the legal circumstances provided for in said Law concur.

For all those other purposes, which are expressly included in the Specific Conditions that are applicable to the corresponding product or service contracted by the client and expressly accepted by it. Period of conservation of personal data: THE STORE will keep the personal data for the time strictly necessary for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes. THE STORE may keep said data duly blocked during the period in which responsibilities could arise from its relationship with the client. In the case of the data object of conservation on the occasion of Law 25/2007, of October 18, on the conservation of data related to electronic communications and public communication networks, the period of conservation of the same will be the detailed in said regulations. Recipients of personal data: The recipients of the personal data collected by THE STORE will be the following: The employees of THE STORE in the performance of their duties.

The suppliers of THE STORE that intervene in the provision of the services, in the event that this is necessary for the provision of the same. Third parties that help statistics and data collection: (Google Analytics and AdSense) The judicial or administrative bodies, as well as the State Security Forces and Bodies, in the event that THE STORE is required in accordance with current legislation to provide information related to its clients and its services. Any others who, due to the nature of the service, must access the data provided with it, as detailed in the Specific Conditions that are applicable to the corresponding product or service contracted by the client and expressly accepted by the latter. Rights of users and exercise of the same Users may exercise the following rights recognized by the RGPD at any time:

Right of access: Users have the right to obtain from THE STORE information about whether personal data concerning them is being processed, to access them and to obtain information on the processing carried out. Right to obtain a copy of your personal data.

Right of rectification. Users have the right to have THE STORE rectify their personal data in the event that they are inaccurate or incomplete.

Right of deletion. Users have the right to proceed to the deletion of the data when they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were provided or when the rest of the legally foreseen circumstances concur.

Right to limitation of treatment. Users have the right to request a limitation in the processing of their personal data, so that the processing operations that must correspond in each case are not applied to them, in those cases provided for in art. 18 GDPR.

Right to portability. Users have the right to receive the personal data that concerns them in a structured format, as long as said data concerns exclusively the user and has been provided by him. Users may exercise these rights in the following ways: If they are customers registered on the THE STORE website, users can check their personal data at any time through the "Client Area" tool, which is accessed authenticated from SEAFLOWDESIGNS.COM Whether they are customers of The Store or not, users may exercise their rights by sending a communication by e-mail to the address or by sending a request accompanied by their D.N.I. or valid legal document that proves their identity, addressed to Juan Valencia Basaldua, for the attention of the Customer Service Department, specifying the right they wish to exercise. In cases of manifestly unfounded or excessive requests due to their repetitive nature, THE STORE reserves the right to charge a fee for the administrative costs that are derived or the right to refuse to act on them, in accordance with the provisions of art. . 12.5 GDPR.

Control Authority: Users and/or clients may contact the corresponding local control authority if they consider that the treatment carried out with respect to their personal data has not been carried out in accordance with current legislation. The data protection control authority in Spain is the Spanish Data Protection Agency, whose contact details are available on its website. International data transfers In those products and services of THE STORE in which international transfers are required to enable the provision of the same, this circumstance will be collected in the Specific Conditions that are applicable to the corresponding product or service contracted by the client and expressly accepted. by him prior to them. Juan Valencia Basaldua as treatment manager In accordance with article 28 RGPD and concordant, THE STORE will treat the personal data with respect to which the client will hold the status of responsible or in charge of the treatment, when this is necessary for the adequate provision of the contracted services. In this case, the person in charge will act as the person in charge of the treatment, in accordance with the terms indicated below: THE STORE will only process the data in accordance with the instructions of the client responsible or in charge of the treatment, not using them for a purpose other than that which appears in this Data Protection Policy and/or in the contractual conditions that are applicable.

Once the provision of the services that motivate the processing of personal data has been completed, these will be destroyed, as will any support or documents that contain any personal data or any type of information that has been generated during, for and / or for the provision of the services subject to the corresponding Conditions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, THE STORE may keep the aforementioned data duly blocked during the period in which responsibilities may arise from its relationship with the client. In the event that THE STORE uses the data for another purpose or communicates or uses it in breach of this Data Protection Policy and/or the corresponding Terms of Service, it will also be considered responsible for the treatment.

THE STORE undertakes, in accordance with article 28 of the RGPD, to maintain due professional secrecy regarding the personal data that must be accessed and/or processed in order to comply in each case with the purpose of the Terms of service. that are applicable, both during and after their termination, committing to use said information only for the intended purpose in each case and to demand the same level of commitment from any person within your organization who participates in any phase of the process. treatment of personal data responsibility of the client. In accordance with the provisions of the RGPD, the following rules will apply in relation to the form and modalities of access to data for the provision of services: In the event that THE STORE must access the treatment resources located in the client's facilities, the latter will be responsible for establishing and implementing the policy and security measures, as well as communicating them to THE STORE, who undertakes to respect them. and to demand compliance from the people in your organization who participate in the provision of services. When the service is provided by THE STORE at its own premises, THE STORE will collect in its Activity Record the circumstances relating to the processing of data in the terms required by the RGPD, including the security measures corresponding to said processing.

To carry out the processing of personal data on portable devices only by users or user profiles assigned to the provision of services. To carry out the treatment outside the premises of the client or THE STORE only by the users or user profiles assigned to the provision of the services. The entry and exit of the supports and documents that contain personal data, including those included and/or attached to an email, outside the premises under the control of the client responsible for the treatment. The execution of the data recovery procedures that THE STORE is obliged to carry out. THE STORE is not responsible for the breach of the obligations derived from the RGPD or the corresponding regulations on data protection by the user and/or client in what corresponds to their activity and that is related to the execution of the contract or commercial relationships that bind you to THE STORE. Each party must face the responsibility arising from its own breach of contractual obligations and the regulations themselves.


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